Active smokers are often puzzled by the question whether there is any sense to buy cigarettes with a good filter, even if all the same dose of nicotine received by the body will remain at the same level? The answer is clear: If you smoke, it is better to smoke cigarettes with good quality filter. In order to avoid the exposal to the harmful substances the filter of such brands as for example Parliament cigarettes has its important role in nowadays cigarettes and tobacco products. Besides smokers will also avoid thermal burns, which are not very visible, but are an important part of smoking process. Another reason to choose quality filter cigarettes is the facts that your teeth are destroyed more slowly, due to the reduction of a term impact and, according to several specialists; quality filters can allow smokers to postpone the development of lung diseases for twenty years, and perhaps even further.
However, smokers should take into account the facts that the filter has one essential negative feature, particularly relevant in our time – it has the ability to absorb bacteria. They feel very comfortable on the cigarettes filter and many times the infection is spread directly to the lungs. To avoid this, smokers should avoid the habit of keeping a cigarette in their mouth all the time, soaking the filter with saliva, and another important issue is to avoid the collective smoking of one cigarette as it can lead to very unfortunate consequences. All these problems cannot be solved, but at least can be partially avoided by smoking cigarettes with high quality filters.
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